Access the power of clause libraries using ContractKen word copilot

Clause Library Icon

Access your best work, when and where its needed

Find the clause from your org's clause library, within seconds, without leaving Word. Redline and edit with one-click, using AI suggested clauses

Third Party Icon

Stop the guesswork

Compare the language to your preferred using Low / Medium / High score indicating semantic similarity, not just syntactic similarity

Report Icon

Rely on usage metrics

What worked in the past is likely to work again. View clause usage metrics by agreement type, client, practice, industry, state, etc.

Build a clause library from your contract repositories

Clause Library Icon

Convert your repository of contracts into clause library within hours, not weeks

ContractKen's AI assisted processes help you build and curate an org clause library from thousands of contract docs


AI assisted, Human curated process of tagging clauses

Your knowledge management team will oversee and curate the clause library, ensuring quality control


100% privacy and access controlled

Avoid 'clause chaos' by ensuring only approved personnel get edit access to the clause library, and all drafters use the approved language in contracts

Contract Repository
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How can you use ContractKen clause library?

Customers can use ContractKen's clause library in one of the two ways:

  1. Use our clause data (700+ commercial contracting clause examples) out of the box with Word Copilot
  2. Use our AI assisted process over your contract repository to build your organization's clause library, and access that directly using our web application or through the Word Copilot.

What does ContractKen clause library offer?

  • 700+ commercial contracting clauses out of the box
    • Definition for each clause
    • 3-4 examples for each clause - sanitized & curated from publicly available sources of data
    • Rich attributes for each clause, like - source, jurisdiction, contract type, mutuality, formalness, etc.
  • Best in class, web based application for your team to:
    • Update, add, delete any clause type or clause example
    • Organize the clauses by practice, client, etc. - using flexible 'tags'
    • Ensure full audit trail around when was a particular example edited, who edited it, who approved it, who commented on it, etc.
  • Seamless integration with our Word add-in to:
    • Retrieve and search for clauses inside Word - while you are drafting or reviewing contracts
    • Review AI driven semantic comparison score (with your preferred clause language for that clause / contract type / jurisdiction, etc.) for all major clause detected in your contract
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What are the key benefits of a Clause library?

  1. Efficiency: Building and managing a contract clause library brings efficiency to the contract drafting process. For instance, when preparing a commercial lease agreement, having a library of pre-drafted clauses related to lease terms, rent escalations, and dispute resolution expedites the drafting process significantly. Legal teams can easily access and integrate these clauses, saving time and effort in repetitive tasks.
  2. Knowledge Management: A well-maintained clause library serves as a valuable knowledge management tool. For example, in a technology licensing agreement, having a library of clauses that address intellectual property rights, licensing fees, and indemnification provisions ensures that legal knowledge is captured and easily shared within the organization. It promotes consistency and enables legal professionals to leverage their collective expertise.
  3. Mitigation of Risk in Precedent-based Drafting: By maintaining a clause library, organizations can mitigate the risk associated with blindly relying on precedents. For instance, in a merger and acquisition agreement, incorporating carefully crafted clauses related to representations and warranties, post-closing adjustments, and dispute resolution helps address specific risks and complexities unique to each transaction.
  4. Ensuring Compliance with Latest Regulations: A contract clause library facilitates compliance with evolving regulations. Consider a data protection agreement in the context of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). By including clauses that address data processing, consent, and cross-border transfers, organizations can ensure compliance with the latest data protection laws and safeguard against potential penalties and legal issues.
  5. Consistency Across Contracts: Building a clause library ensures consistency across contracts, enhancing professionalism and minimizing errors. For example, a service level agreement can benefit from a library of clauses related to performance metrics, remedies, and termination provisions, ensuring uniformity and reducing the risk of inconsistencies or contradictory terms between contracts.
  6. Controlled Access: A contract clause library allows organizations to have controlled access to specific clauses. For instance, a non-disclosure agreement may contain confidential clause templates that are accessible only to authorized personnel, ensuring that sensitive information is handled securely and consistently across agreements.

Templates & Resources

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Case Studies

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